65 résultats


Effective theories in classical and quantum particle systemsYoung Group Theorists workshop: exploring new connectionsSwissMAP - From Subfactors to Quantum Topology - In memory of Vaughan Jones 2022From Subfactors to Quantum Topology In memory of Vaughan JonesSwissMAP - ICMP 2021 Contibuted TalksSwissMAP Basic NotionsWorkshop on multiscale methods for deterministic and stochastic dynamics Workshop on Multiscale methods for stochastic dynamicsPoisson 2016 - 10th international conference on Poisson geometryLimit Shapes for the 6-Vertex Model in Statistical MechanicsLes secrets de la gravitation - 100 ans de Relativité généraleMultiplicateurs de Lagrange et mécanique de Lagrange>> Afficher plus de résultats Trois médaillés Fields vous expliquent à quoi servent les mathématiquesLes fractales: une randonnée de l'art à l'art, à travers les mathématiques et les sciences


On The Smoluchowski Equation For Aggregation Phenomena Under Non-Equilibrium Conditions

Quantum Klimontovich Solutions And The Mean-Field Limit In Quantum Mechanics

Base-two primitive permutation groups

Lattice models arising from non-semisimple TQFT

Facets of Temperley-Lieb algebra

The ADE link conjecture

Braids, Dualities and more subfactors

4-manifolds with boundary and fundamental group Z

On skein theory in dimension four

The cell dispensibility problem for spaces and manifolds

Knot my problem: looking for rigidity in group theory

From Jones relation to representations of Mapping Class Groups

The search for the exotic in Subfactors and Conformal Field Theory

Cars, Interchanges, Traffic Counters, and a Pretty Darned Good Knot Invariant

Skein algebra of a punctured surface - 28.06.2022

Skein modules for generic quantum parameters

Zeta cycles and the scaling site

Ceremony in memory of Vaughan Jones

Planar algebras, noncommutativity and hyperfinite subfactors

Video A.Connes

Complete [probability_&_random_structures]_icmp_contributed_talk_8.mp4 (720p)(1)

Plenary - Basic Notions I

Plenary - Basic Notions II

Numerics and a model for the stochastically forced vorticity equation.mp4

A detectability criterion for sequential data assimilation.mp4

Hybrid modeling for the stochastic simulation of multi-scale chemical kinetics.mp4

Multiscale stochastic dynamics: effective dynamics and parareal computations.mp4

Finite element approximation of Lyapunov equations for the computation of quadratic functionals of SPDEs.mp4

Rare event simulation of slow-fast systems.mp4

Mean field limits for weakly interacting diffusions: phase transitions, multiscale analysis and fluctuations

Stabilized explicit multirate methods for ordinary and stochastic differential equations with multiple scales

Micro-macro discretizations for collisional kinetic equations of Boltzmann-BGK type in the diffusive scaling

Linear response in high-dimensional chaotic systems

Multiscale analysis of a transmission problem

Mean-square stability analysis of SPDE approximations.

Adaptive timestepping for S(P)DEs to control growth.

Noise-induced transitions and mean field limits for multiscale diffusions.

Accelerated dynamics and transition state theory.

Long-time homogenization of the wave equation.

Stochastic parameterizations of deterministic dynamical systems: Theory, applications and challenges

Ergodic Stochastic Differential Equations and Sampling: A numerical analysis perspective

Weak convergence for semi-linear SPDEs.

On stochastic numerical methods for the approximative pricing of financial derivatives.

POISSON 2016 - 10TH International conference on Poisson geometry

POISSON 2016 - 10TH International conference on Poisson geometry

POISSON 2016 - 10TH International conference on Poisson geometry

POISSON 2016 - 10TH International conference on Poisson geometry

POISSON 2016 - 10TH International conference on Poisson geometry

POISSON 2016 - 10TH International conference on Poisson geometry

POISSON 2016 - 10TH International conference on Poisson geometry

POISSON 2016 - 10TH International conference on Poisson geometry

POISSON 2016 - 10TH International conference on Poisson geometry

POISSON 2016 - 10TH International conference on Poisson geometry

POISSON 2016 - 10TH International conference on Poisson geometry

POISSON 2016 - 10TH International conference on Poisson geometry

POISSON 2016 - 10TH International conference on Poisson geometry

POISSON 2016 - 10TH International conference on Poisson geometry

POISSON 2016 - 10TH International conference on Poisson geometry

Colloque de mathématiques - Section de mathématiques

Au delà de la Relativité Générale : Pourquoi ? Comment ?

Qu'est-ce que le graviton ?

Les mystères de la cosmologie moderne: énergie sombre et matière noire


Trois médaillés Fields vous expliquent à quoi servent les mathématiques

Les fractales: une randonnée de l'art à l'art, à travers les mathématiques et les sciences